
At Factuur Simpel, we are transparent in our pricing. You can try it for free for 30 days, with no obligations. Your trial period does not automatically convert into a paid subscription. Are you satisfied and want to continue using Factuur Simpel? You can! You already have a subscription for €9.99 including VAT!

Our prices are simple and transparent, so they include VAT!
Can Factuur Simpel be canceled on a daily basis?

Certainly! You can cancel Factuur Simpel at any time. Your subscription will then remain active until the end date of your last subscription renewal.

How do I pay my subscription costs?

We prefer to work with automatic collection. If desired, you can request a different payment method by e-mail.

If I switch from the trial period to a paid subscription, will my administration be retained?

Yes, your administration and all your reports will be retained. The remaining days of your trial period will also be added to your subscription. This way you always benefit from the full 30-day free trial period.

Can I change my subscription at any time?

Yes, you can adjust your subscription up or down at any time. Are you going up? Then you pay the difference between the subscriptions extra. Are you going down? Then you will be charged for the cheaper subscription at the next subscription renewal and you can still use your current subscription until that date.

Do you have another question?

Don't hesitate to ask our support team; they are already waiting for you!

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